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Study: Combatting College Drinking – Involve Community
The Safer California University Program, a multi-campus alcohol prevention study funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA).
USA Today – Frostburg State University Model Among Universities
USA Today features Frostburg State University as a model among institutes of higher education for its efforts to curb college drinking in its story “Campus drinking: How a party school sobered up.”
Baltimore Bar Frequented by College Students Closed by Liquor Board for Serving Minors
The Baltimore City Liquor Board voted 3-0 last Thursday to suspend the license of Craig’s/Favorites Pub, a bar that was reportedly popular among students at Loyola University Maryland and Towson University.
Monitoring Your Teen’s Activities: What Parents and Families Should Know
The teen years are a time of rapid growth, exploration, and risk taking. Taking risks provides young people the opportunity to test their skills and abilities and discover who they are.
Getting High-Risk Students Help
The Maryland Collaborative supports universal screening in traditional settings, such as health or counseling centers, and possibly other touchpoints.
Media Takes Notice of Efforts to Curb College Drinking
A list of resource links.
Engaging Academic Assistance
Research shows that excessive drinking and substance use during colleges can increase risk for academic performance problems, including lower grades, lower academic engagement and delayed graduation.
Providing Alcohol to Youth: What Messages Should We Be Sending Parents?
Parental allowance/supervision, while drinking and parental supply is generally associated with increased adolescent alcohol use,
Join Us in Celebrating a Legislative Victory
We joined our forces and our voices to ask the Maryland General Assembly to ban the sale of grain alcohol in Maryland, and they listened. Now it’s time to celebrate.
Dartmouth College President: School’s ‘Promise is Being Hijacked by Extreme Behavior’
Ivy League school’s promise “is being hijacked by extreme behavior, masked by its perpetrators as acceptable fun.”
Maryland General Assembly Passes Ban on Retail Sale of Extreme-Strength Alcohol
During the 2015 Legislative Session, the Maryland General Assembly passed a ban on the retail sale of extreme-strength (190 proof and above) alcohol.
Social Host Policies
Since 2015, five local jurisdictions in Maryland – Baltimore City, College Park, Baltimore County, the City of Frostburg, and the town of Princess Anne –have adopted civil social host ordinances.
MD Senate Passes Ban of 190-Proof Alcohol in Effort to Curb Student Drinking
Grain Alcohol Ban in Maryland.
The Maryland Collaborative Measurement System Underway
We would like to give a big shout out to all the college representatives who are working with our staff on rolling out the Maryland College Alcohol Survey.
Building Capacity to Advance Environmental Strategies
Empowering the people working at your campus to help implement your environmental strategies.
All Articles
Study: Combatting College Drinking – Involve Community
The Safer California University Program, a multi-campus alcohol prevention study funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA).
USA Today – Frostburg State University Model Among Universities
USA Today features Frostburg State University as a model among institutes of higher education for its efforts to curb college drinking in its story “Campus drinking: How a party school sobered up.”
Baltimore Bar Frequented by College Students Closed by Liquor Board for Serving Minors
The Baltimore City Liquor Board voted 3-0 last Thursday to suspend the license of Craig’s/Favorites Pub, a bar that was reportedly popular among students at Loyola University Maryland and Towson University.
Monitoring Your Teen’s Activities: What Parents and Families Should Know
The teen years are a time of rapid growth, exploration, and risk taking. Taking risks provides young people the opportunity to test their skills and abilities and discover who they are.
Getting High-Risk Students Help
The Maryland Collaborative supports universal screening in traditional settings, such as health or counseling centers, and possibly other touchpoints.
Media Takes Notice of Efforts to Curb College Drinking
A list of resource links.
Engaging Academic Assistance
Research shows that excessive drinking and substance use during colleges can increase risk for academic performance problems, including lower grades, lower academic engagement and delayed graduation.
Providing Alcohol to Youth: What Messages Should We Be Sending Parents?
Parental allowance/supervision, while drinking and parental supply is generally associated with increased adolescent alcohol use,
Join Us in Celebrating a Legislative Victory
We joined our forces and our voices to ask the Maryland General Assembly to ban the sale of grain alcohol in Maryland, and they listened. Now it’s time to celebrate.
Dartmouth College President: School’s ‘Promise is Being Hijacked by Extreme Behavior’
Ivy League school’s promise “is being hijacked by extreme behavior, masked by its perpetrators as acceptable fun.”
Maryland General Assembly Passes Ban on Retail Sale of Extreme-Strength Alcohol
During the 2015 Legislative Session, the Maryland General Assembly passed a ban on the retail sale of extreme-strength (190 proof and above) alcohol.
Social Host Policies
Since 2015, five local jurisdictions in Maryland – Baltimore City, College Park, Baltimore County, the City of Frostburg, and the town of Princess Anne –have adopted civil social host ordinances.
MD Senate Passes Ban of 190-Proof Alcohol in Effort to Curb Student Drinking
Grain Alcohol Ban in Maryland.
The Maryland Collaborative Measurement System Underway
We would like to give a big shout out to all the college representatives who are working with our staff on rolling out the Maryland College Alcohol Survey.
Building Capacity to Advance Environmental Strategies
Empowering the people working at your campus to help implement your environmental strategies.