Back to School Updates and Resources
New Resources
How to Talk about Alcohol and Sexual Assault with College Students
The new school year is upon us, and amidst all the excitement, the risks of excessive drinking are very real and serious. Alcohol and sexual assault are connected in complex ways, and it’s important for parents and guardians to know how to discuss these topics.
Our website, College Parents Matter, contains a page on alcohol and sexual assault to help guide the conversation. Please share this with your personal and professional networks, such as parent and family affairs offices, Title IX, and campus sexual assault prevention program leaders.
Social Host News
Legislation Leads to 50 Percent Drop in Off-Campus Disorderly Complaints
Nearly two years after its enactment, the Baltimore County social host ordinance continues to help prevent loud and unruly parties in neighborhoods around Towson University.
Data released last month by the university showed a 50 percent drop in disorderly complaints from Towson neighborhoods since the social host law passed in 2016.
Baltimore County Councilman David Marks introduced the legislation that will expire in January, and he has confirmed he will seek reauthorization of the legislation.
Social host ordinances are designed to address the problems emanating from loud and unruly parties. They have been known to reduce excessive drinking and related problems and reduce police calls for service.
Under the law, county police have issued approximately 30 citations for social host violations since the legislation was enacted.
Those cited for social host violations, receive a $500 fine, 20 hours of community service and landlords receive a warning. For repeat violators, the fine is $1,000 plus community service and landlords could also face fines in subsequent cases.
As reported in a recent Baltimore Sun article, neighbors, university and government officials and police feel the ordinance has cut down on loud and unruly parties.
“From our view, it’s a way for us to address the … big house parties where you have over-consumption,” said Capt. Jay Landsman, Commander of Towson’s Precinct 6. “The concern for us is [the parties create] an environment for other kinds of victimizations – fights, assaults, robberies.”
Free Webinar
Strengthening Campus and Community
Collaboration to Address Student Health and Safety
Tuesday, Sept. 12
2:00-3:00 pm (Eastern Time)
The National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments (NCSSLE), funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Safe and Healthy Students (OSHS), will host a webinar to discuss collaborative efforts by the Town of Amherst, MA and UMass Amherst. The collaboration strives to maintain a safe and livable environment in off-campus neighborhoods and sustain a focus on the health and safety of students.
This webinar will provide detailed examples of how the Amherst campus and community collaborative has approached the issues of off-campus alcohol consumption and student safety, and describes outcomes realized as a result of the partnership. As a result of their success to date, Amherst and UMass Amherst recently joined a multi-site Responsible Alcohol Programs effort, through the International Town and Gown Association, to promote safer alcohol sales and service practices. Presenters will discuss how the program will expand the efforts already underway by the city and university.
Back to School Updates and Resources
New Resources
How to Talk about Alcohol and Sexual Assault with College Students
The new school year is upon us, and amidst all the excitement, the risks of excessive drinking are very real and serious. Alcohol and sexual assault are connected in complex ways, and it’s important for parents and guardians to know how to discuss these topics.
Our website, College Parents Matter, contains a page on alcohol and sexual assault to help guide the conversation. Please share this with your personal and professional networks, such as parent and family affairs offices, Title IX, and campus sexual assault prevention program leaders.
Social Host News
Legislation Leads to 50 Percent Drop in Off-Campus Disorderly Complaints
Nearly two years after its enactment, the Baltimore County social host ordinance continues to help prevent loud and unruly parties in neighborhoods around Towson University.
Data released last month by the university showed a 50 percent drop in disorderly complaints from Towson neighborhoods since the social host law passed in 2016.
Baltimore County Councilman David Marks introduced the legislation that will expire in January, and he has confirmed he will seek reauthorization of the legislation.
Social host ordinances are designed to address the problems emanating from loud and unruly parties. They have been known to reduce excessive drinking and related problems and reduce police calls for service.
Under the law, county police have issued approximately 30 citations for social host violations since the legislation was enacted.
Those cited for social host violations, receive a $500 fine, 20 hours of community service and landlords receive a warning. For repeat violators, the fine is $1,000 plus community service and landlords could also face fines in subsequent cases.
As reported in a recent Baltimore Sun article, neighbors, university and government officials and police feel the ordinance has cut down on loud and unruly parties.
“From our view, it’s a way for us to address the … big house parties where you have over-consumption,” said Capt. Jay Landsman, Commander of Towson’s Precinct 6. “The concern for us is [the parties create] an environment for other kinds of victimizations – fights, assaults, robberies.”
Free Webinar
Strengthening Campus and Community
Collaboration to Address Student Health and Safety
Tuesday, Sept. 12
2:00-3:00 pm (Eastern Time)
The National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments (NCSSLE), funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Safe and Healthy Students (OSHS), will host a webinar to discuss collaborative efforts by the Town of Amherst, MA and UMass Amherst. The collaboration strives to maintain a safe and livable environment in off-campus neighborhoods and sustain a focus on the health and safety of students.
This webinar will provide detailed examples of how the Amherst campus and community collaborative has approached the issues of off-campus alcohol consumption and student safety, and describes outcomes realized as a result of the partnership. As a result of their success to date, Amherst and UMass Amherst recently joined a multi-site Responsible Alcohol Programs effort, through the International Town and Gown Association, to promote safer alcohol sales and service practices. Presenters will discuss how the program will expand the efforts already underway by the city and university.