Alcohol Policy and COVID Webinar

Alcohol marketing has transformed in the digital marketing age, and the increased availability of alcohol through delivery and carryout options in the wake of the pandemic may have lasting implications on alcohol policy and public health. “Alcohol Policy and COVID: Who is minding the stores?”, presented by David Jernigan, PhD, Professor in the Department of Health Law, Policy, and Management at Boston University School of Public Health, will review what we know about changes in alcohol consumption since the beginning of the pandemic, the changes in policies governing alcohol availability, and the implications of this for college populations in particular. This presentation will also explore the policy tools that may be necessary to address these changes in availability.
David Jernigan is senior advisor to the Maryland Collaborative to Reduce College Drinking and Related Problems, a statewide effort of 18 institutions of higher education committed to reducing alcohol-related problems on campus and in the surrounding communities. Dr. Jernigan is also senior policy advisor to CityHealth, an initiative of the de Beaumont Foundation and Kaiser Permanente, former director of the Center for Alcohol Marketing and Youth (CAMY), and the scientific chair and board member of the Global Alcohol Policy Alliance.
Alcohol Policy and COVID Webinar

Alcohol marketing has transformed in the digital marketing age, and the increased availability of alcohol through delivery and carryout options in the wake of the pandemic may have lasting implications on alcohol policy and public health. “Alcohol Policy and COVID: Who is minding the stores?”, presented by David Jernigan, PhD, Professor in the Department of Health Law, Policy, and Management at Boston University School of Public Health, will review what we know about changes in alcohol consumption since the beginning of the pandemic, the changes in policies governing alcohol availability, and the implications of this for college populations in particular. This presentation will also explore the policy tools that may be necessary to address these changes in availability.
David Jernigan is senior advisor to the Maryland Collaborative to Reduce College Drinking and Related Problems, a statewide effort of 18 institutions of higher education committed to reducing alcohol-related problems on campus and in the surrounding communities. Dr. Jernigan is also senior policy advisor to CityHealth, an initiative of the de Beaumont Foundation and Kaiser Permanente, former director of the Center for Alcohol Marketing and Youth (CAMY), and the scientific chair and board member of the Global Alcohol Policy Alliance.